Thursday, 17 November 2011

Tamilnadu educational rules

1. This may be called “The TamilNadu Educational Manual”.
2. It extends to the whole of the State of TamilNadu.
3. It applies to all schools under all Managements, recognized by the Government in the
Education Department in a variety of classifications.
4. In this Manual, unless the context otherwise requires, the term
A. “Director” – signifies,
a) The Director of School Education, in respect of secondary (High) and Higher
secondary schools and Anglo-Indian Schools.
b) The Director of Elementary Education, in respect of Pre-Primary, Nursery and
Primary, Primary, and Middle School.
c) The Director of Matriculation Schools, in respect of Matriculation schools
d) Director of Teacher Education, Research and Training in respect of Teacher
Training Institutes.
e) Director of Government Examinations.
B. “Inspecting Officer” means in relation to
a) Pre-Primary; Nursery and Primary; Primary and Middle schools-Assistant
Elementary Education Officer or Additional Assistant Elementary Education
Officer at the Block level and District Elementary Education Officer at the
District Level.
b) Secondary Schools – District Educational Officer.
c) Higher Secondary Schools – Chief Educational Officer.
d) Matriculation Schools – Inspector of Matriculation
e) Anglo-Indian Schools – Inspector of Anglo- Indian
C. “The Head of the Institution –includes,
a. Headmaster b. Headmistress c. The Principal
D. “Recognized Schools” – means the schools recognized by the Government of
TamilNadu in the Department of Education through
The Director of School Education
The Director of Elementary Education
The Director of Matriculation Schools
The Director of Teacher Education, Research and Training
or the officers to whom the powers of recognition have been delegated, as the
case may be.
Classification of Institutions.
1. Educational Institutions are dived into two main classes – Public and Private.
Public Institutions Comprise-
1,2,3 deleted
1. 4. Schools imparting secular instructions in conformity with the standards of efficiency and
courses of study prescribed by the department and recognized by it.
5. 1 Schools recognized under the TamilNadu Elementary Education Act 1920.
2. Nursery Schools.
3. Nursery and Primary Schools
4. Matriculation Schools
5.Anglo Indian Schools
6. Special Schools
All other educational institutions are classed as private institutions and are classified as
(i) Advanced Training
a. Arabic or Persian
b. Sanskrit
c. Any other oriental classic
(ii) Elementary Teaching
a. A vernacular language only or mainly
b. The Koran
c. Sanskrit
(iii) Other schools not conforming to departmental standards.
Public Institutions are of two classes: -
1. Those under the Management of Government or Local Bodies, namely
Panchayat Union, Municipal Corporation, municipality, Township known as
institutions under Public Management and
2. Those under the management of Private persons or Associations known as
institutions under private management. Public institutions under private
management are classified into aided and unaided according as they do or do not
receive aid from public fund.
2. Public Institutions are also classified according to the nature and
Grade of instruction imparted in them.
School Education – General Education
1. Nursery & Primary
2. Primary
3. Middle
4. Secondary (High)
5. Higher Secondary
6. Schools for Teacher Education
7. Other Special Schools
3. and 4. Deleted
“Schools for General Education”
5. Secondary (High) Schools are Schools whose main object is to afford general education.
Higher Secondary Schools are Schools whose main object is to afford higher general
education and also Vocational education.
They may be sub divided into 1. Nursery & Primary 2. Primary 3. Middle 4.
Secondary (High) and 5. Higher Secondary Schools .
The nomenclature of the schools with various stages of school education is as
follows: -
1. Schools with LKG, UKG & Standard I to V – Nursery & Primary Schools.
2. Schools with Standards I to V – Primary Schools
3. Schools with Standards I to VIII
or Standards VI to VIII – Middle Schools (Existing Schools only).
4. Schools with Standards I to X, VI to X,
IX and X – Secondary (High) Schools.
5. Schools with Standards VI to XII or I to XII or IX to XII or XI to XII – (truncated school)
Higher secondary schools (Existing Schools Only).
The pattern of grant-in-aid to these schools will be governed by the rules under which the
schools are recognized.
Schools for Special Education:
6. Schools for Special Education may contain the following classes:
(i) Schools for Teacher Education
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) - Deleted
(viii) Oriental Schools. Standards I to V or VI to X
Sanskrit - Advanced School, Elementary School
Arabic – Advanced School, Elementary School.
(ix) Deleted
7. Deleted.
8. In all institutions recognized by department of Education and
presenting candidates for the public examination conducted by the
Directorate of Government Examinations, the courses of instruction
prescribed by the Directors concerned.
9. (1) No religious instruction shall be provided in any educational
Institution wholly or partly maintained out of State funds.
(2) Nothing in clause (1) shall apply to an educational institution which is not
administered out of State funds or controlled by the Education department. The
word “State” includes Corporations, Municipal Councils, Panchayat Unions and
(3) Heads of institutions may, however lend, subject to the control and direction of the
Inspecting Officer, buildings and grounds belonging to such institutions to responsible
private bodies or persons for arranging voluntary religious instructions or devotional
gatherings for the benefit of the pupils of the institutions. The granting of such
permission shall be subject to the following and such other conditions as the head of
the institution may prescribe.
a. The permission shall not be claimed as a matter of right.
b. The institution shall not be used as a means of fostering one religion at the expense of
another or others and the principle of strict religious neutrality shall be maintained; No
discrimination shall be made between one religion and another in the matter of lending
the use of the buildings.
c. The use of the premises shall be permitted only outside school hours and shall not in
any way interfere with the regular activities of the school whether inside or outside
school hours.
d. No permanent structure or image or other symbol of religious import shall be installed
or left behind the building or grounds.
e. There shall be no compulsion on any pupil or the parent or guardian of such pupil or
any threat of censure or punishment of any kind for non participation in any religious
instruction or gathering,
9.A (1). No person attending any educational Institution recognized by the State or
receiving aid out of State funds shall be required to take part in any religious instruction that
may be imparted in recognized institutions or to attend any religious worship that may be
conducted in such institutions or in any premises attached thereto unless such person or if
such person is a minor, his/her parent or guardian has given his consent thereto.
(2) The religious instruction permitted under clause (1) shall not involve an attack on
other faiths.
(3) The Staff, pupils or buildings of the institution shall not be used for proselytization
(4) There shall be no objection to the celebration of religious festivals on holidays or
holding of prayer gatherings, organized by the heads of institutions, subject to the
following conditions, namely.
a. They shall be outside the working hours of the institution concerned.
b. Care shall be taken to give as far as possible, the widest scope for all denominations
and religions, to organize such celebrations.
c. Pupils of all denomination should be free to attend and take part actively or passively
in all such celebrations.
d. The head of the institution or in his absence a person deputed by him should be
present on such occasions to maintain proper decorum and the atmosphere suitable
for a gathering of persons of different religious faiths.
5. School buildings or grounds may be lent to responsible private bodies or persons under
the conditions stated in Rule 9 (3).
6. Attendance at regular religious instruction or celebration of religious festivals or prayer
gatherings outside working hours, shall not be secured by offer of material advantage or
threat of censure or punishment or compulsion of any kind exercised on the pupils or their
guardians or parents.
7. Any time spent by a pupil in religious instruction or observance shall not form part of the
prescribed curriculum period.
10.The Imparting of value education shall be compulsory in standards
I to 12, in all the recognized Schools in the State. The values incorporated in Textbooks
in all subjects shall be taught and imbibed by pupils. For this purpose workbooks shall
be prescribed for children in standards 1 to 5, based on children’s activities and creative
situations wherein the children will exhibit their sense of values. Incentives and awards
shall be introduced in schools.
Values can be caught rather than taught. In higher standards from 6
standard onwards, the values expressed by the pupils shall be assessed by teachers.
Guidebooks for this purpose shall be introduced in order to achieve the moral values by
introducing discussion in the classroom in the periods allotted in the timetable.
10.A-a, b, c, d, e - Deleted
(f) No teacher who has completed the age of Fifty-eight years shall be appointed or
reappointed to service. No Teacher shall be allowed to continue in service on re-employment
on attaining the age of superannuating of fifty-eight years.
10.B Schools under all managements recognized aided and unaided but controlled by the
department shall allow the use of the school buildings and furniture for the conduct of any
examination approved by the Government.
Note: The use of buildings and furniture of the above schools shall be lent free of rent for the
conduct of the Government Examinations and valuation approved by the Government.
10.C not with standing anything contained in these rules, any higher authority shall be
competent to exercise the powers, which any authority
sub-ordinate to it, is competent to exercise under these rules.
Rules for Primary Schools.
11. The recognition of Primary/Elementary Schools vests with the Director of
Elementary Education in which the TamilNadu Elementary Education Act
1920, TamilNadu Panchayat Union Act of 1958, the city Municipal Act of
1920 and the District Municipalities Act of 1920 are in force.
Detailed rules are given in separate rules relating to Elementary Schools.
Rules for Secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools
12.1. Application for opening of new schools or for additional standards in existing schools
should be submitted in complete shape to the Inspecting Officer concerned on or before 30
September of the year preceding the school year in which new schools or standards are
proposed to be opened. The Inspecting Officers concerned should forward these applications
to the Director with their recommendation on or before 31 December.
Applications should be scrutinized and defective applications should be
Returned within 45 days by the inspecting officers from the date of its receipt. The powers
of Granting of permission to open a new school shall vest with the Director concerned.
Application for recognition should be made in the prescribed form and reach the
Inspecting Officer within 3 Months from the date of opening of the school. The Directors
concerned in the first instance shall issue granting of recognition for 3 years or more
based on the structural stability certificate issued by the PWD authorities or Chartered
Engineer approved by the District Collector.
All the un-fulfilled conditions should be fulfilled within that period of
3 years. If any one of the conditions is not fulfilled continuation of temporary recognition
shall be issued for additional 3 years by the Chief Educational Officer in the case of
Higher Secondary Schools, by the District Educational officer in the case of High Schools,
by District Elementary Educational Officer in the case of Nursery, Primary and Middle
schools and Inspector of Matriculation Schools in the case of Matriculation Schools. After
the completion of 6 years, if all the conditions are satisfied permanent recognition shall be
granted. A panel of two members shall review and offer remarks. A school enjoying
permanent recognition shall be reviewed periodically at least once in every five years.
12.2. The recognition of secondary (High) and Higher Secondary Schools shall vest in the
Director concerned and it may be refused or withdrawn.
i. If the management of any school with a view to securing donation or financial
help appeals to foreign countries in such a way as to undermine the prestige of
this country and
ii) If the Director is not satisfied as regards to any of the following, besides other
matters specified in this chapter:
a) The organization and development of the school by approved methods and upon
approved lines.
b) The Educational needs of the locality.
c) The financial stability of the School.
d) The constitution of the School committee.
e) The levy and administration of special fees.
f) The introduction of an approved provident fund scheme.
g) The arrangements made for a compulsory medical inspection of pupils.
h) The arrangements made for compulsory physical training of all pupils except such
as are declared unfit by the medical inspector of the school
i) The arrangements for admission of SC, ST, DNC, MBC, BC students in
accordance with the Government orders and the Director’s instructions issued
from time to time.
j) The terms on which the teachers are engaged including the execution of a written
agreement between the management and each teacher as prescribed in Form VII
A & B of the Rule 15 of TamilNadu Recognized Private School Regulation Rules
Note: Deleted
k) The terms on which the members of the non-teaching staff, Junior Assistant
(including library attendee) record clerk, office assistant are engaged including
the execution of a written agreement between the management and each such
member of the non-teaching staff as prescribed in Form VIIB.
(ix) If a license under the Tamil Nadu Public Buildings (Licensing) Act of 1965
(Tamil Nadu Act III of 1965) is not produced.
Application for recognition should be made in the prescribed form (Appendix I-A and
I-B) In respect of private schools the form prescribed in the Tamil Nadu Private
Schools Regulation (Rules) 1974 and form prescribed in the code of Matriculation
schools shall be followed:
12.3. In exceptional cases, where the constitution of a school committee has
been waived there shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of the
a. Head of the institution.
b. One member from the teaching staff.
c. A representative of the parent teacher association.
d. A nominee of the education department preferably an educationist from the locality.
e. Two members representing the management.
f. The President of the Educational Agency or his nominee will be the
Chairman and the Head of the institution of the school will be the secretary of the
Advisory Committee.
12.4. The school committee (managing body) and in its absence the Advisory
committee of a Girls school shall have two lady members excluding the
Headmistress. In the case of co-education school the committee shall have at least
one lady member.
12.5. Staff Council:
Each school shall have only one staff council consisting of the Head of the institution as
President and from 5 to 15 members of the Teaching staff Inclusive of all Assistant
Headmasters and Teachers In charge of NSS, NCC,JRC,SCOUT, Laboratory, Games,
Literary Associations according to strength of teaching and non-teaching staff of the
institution. The Councils shall be constituted in the beginning of the academic year and the
approval of the inspecting Officer shall be obtained. While nominating the members of the
council due representation to cadre, subject and regard for station seniority shall be given. No
member shall at a time continue for more than two consecutive terms. Each school shall
frame its own rules in respect of the actual constitution of the staff council and the conduct of
its business subject to the approval of the inspecting officer. The staff council shall have
powers to advise the head of the institution on matters of discipline, promotion and
expenditure in Special fees fund according to the needs of each Faculty and any other matter
that may be placed before it by the head of the institution. The resolutions passed by the
majority members of the staff council should be implemented by the Head of the Institution.
Members of the council may also submit to the council subjects which will increase
professional efficiency of the teaching staff and such other subjects as may be approved by
the Head of the Institution. In framing principles of promotions while adhering to the orders of
the Government regarding minimum marks for promotion, the council is free to fix any higher
limit with reference to the performance of the pupils of each standard, besides, fixing
cumulative increase in the minimum marks for each higher standard. The decision of the staff
council shall be final. The Head of the institution shall convene the staff council once in three
months. The staff council will offer advice to the school committee or the advisory committee
of the school as the case may be on such matters as may be referred to it by that committee.
Qualification of Teachers
13. The Educational, professional and other qualifications of teachers belonging
to various categories are given in Appendix.
The non-teaching staff should possess the qualifications prescribed for the respective
posts in government service from time to time.
Qualifications for appointment as teachers in Higher Secondary Schools:-
(Wherever a degree or Qualification
Master’s degree is specified it
refers to the degree or
Master’s degree of a
University in the state or of its
equivalent standard) Name
of the Post
1. Headmaster / Headmistress 1. A Master's Degree for teaching any of the
(Higher Secondary Schools) languages under Parts I and II or subjects under Part
III, Group "A" of the syllabus for Higher Secondary
2. B.T. or B.Ed., Degree.
3. Experience for a period of not less than ten years
as PG Assistant in a academic subject or languages
in a Higher Secondary School recognized by the
Director of School Education, after becoming fully
Total period of 10 years of service as Headmaster of
High School, School Assistant, P.G. Assistant is taken
in to account.
2. Post-Graduate Assistants in 1. A Master's Degree in the subject in respect of
Academic Subjects. which appointment is made. Provided further that,
other things being equal, preference shall be given to
those who have studied the same subjects as main
both in the degree and PG degree level.
2. B.T. or B.Ed., degree.
3. Post-Graduate Assistants in 1. A Master's degree in Tamil and
Languages (Tamil) 2. B.T. or B.Ed., degree
Provided that for appointment to the post by
recruitment by transfer from the Post of Tamil Pandit
in the High School, the Pandit Training or Secondary
Grade Training shall be considered as equivalent
qualification to the B.T. or B.Ed., degree.
Provided further that, other things being equal,
preference shall be given to those who have studied
Tamil as a Main Subject both in degree and Master's
degree levels.
4. Post-Graduate Assistants in 1. A Master's Degree in Language in respect of which
Language (Other than Tamil) appointment is made.
2. B.T. or B.Ed., degree.
Provided that for appointment to the post by
recruitment by transfer from the Post of Pandit and
Munshie in the High School, the Pandit Training or
Secondary Grade Training shall be considered as
equivalent qualification to the B.T. or B.Ed., degree.
Provided further that, other things being equal,
preference shall be given to those who have studied
the same subject both in degree and Master's degree
5. Physical Directors and 1. M.P.Ed., Degree
Physical Directress in Higher 2. A Diploma equivalent to M.P.Ed., Degree.
Secondary Schools.

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